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Monday, May 27, 2013

3/27/2013 Denver Beer Company

The next stop on our tour took us to the fairly-obviously-but-catchily name Denver Beer Company.

Denver Beer Company was started in 2011 and inhabits one of, in not the, best spots for a brewery - right across the Platte from downtown in the LoHi neighborhood.  It's uber close to downtown, easily accessible by bike, and housed in a former garage making for a huge space for the tasting room.  Plus it's complete with garage doors that open up to a sizable patio, making it an awesome space for some afternoon beers in the summer time.

Shirey was introspective.

Time for some beer.  DBC sports a pretty large menu of brews that rotate on a seasonal basis.  There were 10 on tap during our visit, all of which deserved a taste.

The tasting size was larger than a lot of places, so Shirey and I elected to share one.

Not sure what that face means.  But, the key thing to notice in this picture is that Shirey, in his infinite wisdom, brought a small notebook to write down some beer thoughts.  Some highlights:

Karrir Lime - Bud Light Lime clone.  Tastes like Fruit Loops
Pinapple Pale - Definitely taste the pineapple.  Funky aftertaste.
Dubbel Trubbel - Sweet, hints of Laffy Taffy

With that, lets break down the results.

Incredible Pedal IPA - Luke's favorite.  Not insanely hoppy, pretty easy drinking.
Graham Cracker Porter - Shirey's favorite.  On the bitter end for a porter.  Definite hints of chocolate and coffee.

Beer Geeks Sahti V - Our notes described this beer as having "hints of rotten milk".  Not something I'd drink again.
Confluence Pale Ale - Tasted like they used water from the Platte River

All in all we had some pretty strong mixed feelings about the beer here.  We didn't really love any of the beers - our winners above were really just the least disappointing of the bunch.  Maybe instead of winners we should termed them "least offensive".  Seriously, there were some brews that had some big-time funk going on, and nothing stood out or made us want to come back.

But, the brewery itself is awesome.  Huge space, plenty of seating, great location and an awesome spot for summer time patio drinking.  To wit:

So we're a little torn about DBC.  Mediocre beer, awesome bar.  Fortunately, beer can always be brewed again, so we'll definitely be coming back in the hopes that we just caught DBC in the midst of some bad batches.